Wow, what a day. Amalea came out of surgery with a giant patch and a huge contraption to hold in her IV, not to mention that she was really yellow from the dye they had to use. It was alarming at first for me to see her in this state - all hooked up and bandaged.
The doctor said the surgery went well and that they got all the blood out. Amalea goes back tomorrow morning for a follow-up so the patch will come off then and we'll get to see the eye. The doctor said she still may develop a lazy eye, but they might patch her good eye and give us some exercises to try and strengthen the bad eye.
All and all it was successful - yes, she cried a lot and that was hard for Jim and I, but we know that she needed to do it. Yes, she threw up all over the floor and pooped a lot, but it's now six hours after surgery and she is keeping all her food down so that is great. The yellow color is already fading and should be gone by morning.
We are so proud of Amalea. Today she is 6 weeks old - what an amazing adventure the last 6 weeks have been. She weighed in at 10 pounds today!! I love this picture below because she looks so big to me in her jeans and uggs and holding her head up - she is perfect (even with her gigantic eye patch).

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